I have completed my recommendation - aka The Papers. What does that look like? Something like this:
My advice? Eat gumbo and relax on your day off from work and church. Read a book. You worked over 40 hours this week! Take a little "time for yourself". Also, go to bed early because you have kids to pick up at 8:30 tomorrow morning for church.
The Church has their own advice.
"After you have submitted your Recommendation Form to your bishop, do the following:
If you have not already done so, begin the hepatitis A and B immunizations immediately. You will receive additional immunization information with your assignment.
You are expected to be physically and emotionally capable of working several hours a day and walking several miles a day six days a week. If there are reasons why this might not be possible, please discuss them with your bishop.
Before entering the MTC, correct any problems such as plantar warts, flat feet, chronic headaches, inguinal hernias, and so on. Stabilize and understand the treatment for chronic problems such as asthma, diabetes, seizures, emotional disorders, irritable bowel, endometriosis, and so on.
If you are taking prescribed medication for any chronic problem, medical or emotional, do not stop taking it unless your physician advises you to do so.
Your bishop will meet with you to review your recommendation form and to interview you for worthiness to serve a mission. He may make changes and adjustments to the information on your form as he deems necessary. The bishop will then submit the recommendation form with his recommendation remarks to your stake president.
The stake president will likewise meet with you to review your recommendation form and to interview you for worthiness. He may also make changes and adjustments to your form. When the stake president is satisfied that you have met all requirements, he will submit your form with his recommendation remarks to Church headquarters in Salt Lake City.
At Church headquarters, your recommendation form will be reviewed by the Quorum of the Twelve, who will assign you to a mission. Thereafter a call letter from the President of the Church, accompanied by a call packet with information about what you will need to do to prepare to begin your mission, will be sent to the address you specified in your recommendation form."
So that's that I guess. Better advice than mine. In any case: I'll have a meeting with my bishop hopefully tomorrow or in the next few days. Then my Stake President. Then. DONE. WOAH BUDDY!
Is it appropriate to guess where I'm going yet? GUESS WHERE I'M GOING!
I'm liking this blog. Because generally I hate these blogs. They seem very brainwashy sometimes. You know? But this isn't one of those blogs. It's way cool to see what you think of the whole process as a convert and as a mature, well-versed well-rounded adult who has made the big personal decision to missionize on your own. I guess I did too but I was a kid and I had it ingrained into my forehead for my entire life that I'd be a missionary. But it was wonderful anyway! and I ate a lot of cheese and stuff and learned everything I've ever learned ever. Keep writing, even like some concerns and fears you have too would be cool. My guess would be France if you go abroad, Alabama if you stay in the US.
ReplyDeleteYOU are GOING to have an amazing adventure, that's where you're going. When do we find out, Alex? WHEN? PS that cat photo is really powerful. Why don't you ask the feline?